Daniel Rand-K'ai

The Immortal Iron Fist


  • chi healing : focusing his chi inward allows iron fist to heal nearly any ailments. from flesh wounds, to radiation burns and poisoning, and even cancer. with physical contact, he can extend this ability into other people. this ability also extends the lives of those who feel it’s healing touch.

  • chi manipulation : powered by the heart of the dragon, iron fist can focus his chi to do incredible things, such as increase his physical abilities to superhuman levels comparable to the likes of spider-man.

  • dimensional travel : with focus, it’s possible for iron fist to use his chi to open a gateway to other dimensions, such as k’un-lun.

  • enhanced senses : the chi of shou-lao allows iron fist to enhance his sense to superhuman levels. being able to hear the sweat on someone’s face from a room away.

  • hypnotic fist : iron fist can use his chi to manipulate the minds of others, making weak minded individuals heed any command.

  • iron fist punch : the most famous, and most powerful move in his arsenal is the fabled iron fist. by focusing his chi into his fists, iron fist can use his namesake to strike with near-infinite force. from knocking out the x-men’s colossus with a single strike, causing nuclear explosions and even shattered vibranium, the iron fist’s depth and power is nigh limitless. despite the name, it’s power isn’t limited to his fist, and can be focused into any part of his body.

  • levitation : when entering a deep meditative state, iron fist can levitate above the ground.

  • longevity : the heart of the dragon has slowed danny rand’s aging process exponentially.

  • mind meld : iron fist can connect his conscious with another, resulting in a sharing of knowledge, emotion, and memories.


  • master martial artist : through constant training and study, danny has mastered every form of combat and martial art to perfection. he defeated 88 of shield’s highest trained agents in 8 minutes, knows infinite ways to take a life, and has defeated the cat in combat, a martial artist on the level of shang-chi. despite his mastery, danny holds the firm belief that shang-chi is one of the few, if not the only person superior to him in martial arts.

  • meditation master : danny has mastered meditation, allowing him to control his body in ways that numb his pain, heal his body and even slow his heartbeat so much that daredevil can’t track it.

  • peak human condition : through decades of constant intensive physical training, danny rand is physically superior to even the finest olympic athlete

  • weapons master : danny has mastered all hand-to-hand and long range weaponry to perfection


  • name : daniel “danny” thomas rand-k’ai

  • place of birth : unknown (either new york or k’un-lun)

  • nationality : american, k’un-lunan

  • height : 5’11”

  • weight : 175 lbs

  • age : twenties-thirties

  • unusual features: two large scars on his back, heart of the dragon permanently branded onto his chest


  • written by khonsu

  • pronouns are he/him

  • mun and muse are both above the age of 18, adult themes may appear (explicit themes will solely be written in dms, or a tw will be in the post)

  • lewd account is @athingofiron (18+ ONLY)

  • trigger warnings for: violence, abuse, trauma, possibly light sexuality, vulgarity



  • finn jones

  • christian howard